Monday 25 January 2016

She Loves - Twenty Three Six Five

Day 20 of 365

Sick of new years resolutions, she was on a mission of self discovery. A path of self love. Where does she start? Living in a world where success, popularity and extreme sex appeal were targets that needed to be met in order to make a foot print into the world. She had to convince herself that she didn't need any of that and thought back to the times she wanted to trade places with someone who made her feel like a lesser woman. Like her path didn't matter, her struggle wasn't beautiful. As a matter of fact now, what is a struggle? Struggle is the word you dare not mention. It's concealed by the many material extras of life. A showy display of everything that doesn't define you. Where is the beauty in accomplishment if the struggle isn't appreciated?

She was on a mission. A mission like no other. A mission to accept her flaws for what they were. That they were but a speckle of who she is as a person. And there is beauty in the person she is now than who she was before and who she will become. She knew the only person who could accomplish this mission was her and she planned to appreciate every determined effort she made. Because she wanted to explore all the beauties of her, The Struggle.

The Struggle. Females go through everyday. The Struggle they have within them. Comparing themselves to qualities and physical attributes they wish could be bought like clothes on the shelves. Shoes on the racks. Window shopping for the perfect fit and when that's no longer the trend, onto the next one. The Struggle. The Struggle that this is our reality.

If this is our reality, what are we realising? That we don't have freedom to be ourselves? And what we make our reality has an impact on the quality of our existence. Our state of truth.

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