Monday 9 November 2015

Ash Blondie

Gurrrlll, let me tell you about this hair honey! *snaps fingers*

Have you ever just had one of those days where everything goes well - not by chance - but by that good good hair?

If you haven't, please exit this page to the 'X' at the top right hand corner of your browser..

Those of you who know that awesome feeling of just having immaculate hair and feeling like you are untouchable would love this virgin hair company called NOXU. You guys have seen me ranting and raving about their hair for weeks now on our Instagram page. It was a pleasure building a blogger and brand relationship. They were very professional and shipping was very fast, not to mention the quality of this hair!

I was sent two bundles of Malaysian Deep Wave (10inch) and a Swiss Lace Closure (12inch). The hair came professionially packaged and was very soft.

I made a full wig with closure which is so easy to make and costs less than having to pay a hairdresser. Like I have said in my previous hair post, I am on a healthy hair journey which requires me to find alternative protective styles to give my hair a break from excessive styling and heat.

When people think of  Protective Styles, they automatically think that it has to be a Plain Jane hairstyle for the rest of their hair journey...


I made this beautiful Ash Blonde ombre wig and it's far from boring. Eventhough I was looking to go for more of a silvery/gray hair, it was my first try and it still worked perfectly. I got a lot of comments on the colour.

I won't be going through a step by step of how I got this colour as I'm not a professional but what I will do is give a brief description of the products used and how I used them.

1. I bought the Bleached London Total Bleach kit which has all the instructions and products needed to mix the bleach, application and process time

2. I laid down a bin liner on my bathroom floor to avoid any spillage and started with one bundle at a time 

3. I also bleached the knots on my closure now this is what NOT TO DO .. the mixture of the bleach was quite runny and instead of dabbing the brush on the closure, I dragged it which made the mixture run into the lace and onto the hair

4. IGNORE THIS STEP. The bleaching the knots made the lace go a brassy colour which can easily be fixed.

 5. This is the hair after bleaching, very very yellow

6. I then moved onto the Bleach London White Toner kit. Again, everything you need is in the box.

7. After toning the hair I moved onto the Bleach London Silver Shampoo which helps keep the brassy tones down and can be used like regular shampoo for toned hair

8. To give the hair more of a a silvery tone I decided to go to a Black Hair Shop and purchase a Platinum Semi Permanent colour from Adore. That is what the hair looked after I strand tested it.


10. Meet my loyal friend Sheila the Mannequin Head. She has been loyal to me for many months of my new hobby of wig making. So what you need to make a wig is:

A mannequin head - Amazon
Dome cap - can purchase from any Black hair shop
T Bar Pins to hold the cap onto mannequin head - Amazon
Wig clamp to put mannequin head on - Amazon
Weave needle and thread - Black Hair Shop

TIP: it's important to measure where you want your closure and sew that onto the cap first

Happy healthy hair journeys and wig making!

Love from T xx

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